Get closer to animal-free oral drug product development and replace relevant bench works with in silico works as much as possible.
Prof. Christos Reppas
InPharma is an important training as well as scientific network involving several pharmaceutical companies as well as multiple cademical groups from a range of universities. The consortium works with the science of tomorrow and fulfils three major goals, i) to educate our next generation of scientist; ii) to provide new and innovative science, and iii) to bridge across two important parties in the pharmaceutical ecosystem; academia and industry thereby cross seeding perspectives and ideas.
Dr. René Holm
InPharma offers the opportunity to evaluate and advance different computational applications in oral dosage form development. Unique is an end-to-end modelling approach that embraces aspects of material sciences as well as more biopharmaceutical aspects to design and test oral drug products in a more efficient way compared to traditional approaches in drug product development.